Module 05 Lab Assignment

Table of Contents

The requirements of the map are listed below. All the tasks required to fulfill this assignment are documented within this and previous modules.

Part I: Work through lesson document (4 pts)

Work through the lesson where you practice analyzing point density. Make a web page layout containing a map analyzing wildfires in the state of your choice. Pick one of these analysis techniques:

  1. Aggregate wildfire by county polygons and find cumulative percent burned
  2. Aggregate wildfire acres burned by hexbins
  3. Create a heat map of wildfire density

Template web page is located in lesson-map folder. Commit the changes and push the repository when you are finished.

The maps and layout can be working drafts. We just want to see that you worked through the lesson before you tackle the lab.


Paste URL link within the Canvas to this repo, e.g.,

Part II: Hex binning North American breweries (6 pts)

Aztec Aquaponics, a small company based out of Albuquerque, specializes in using beer brewing byproducts for their aquaponic operations. The produce sustainable fish and lettuce greens that supply an artisan fast-casual national restaurant chain. They have hired you to help locate their newest operation. They need to find high-density areas of breweries to maximize their aquaponic production. Their supply chain requires that they cannot transport the brewery byproducts more than 25 km. Where should they locate? Hex binning brewery locations in North America and Hawaii offers a potential solution.

Data files

A SpatiaLite database is available on Canvas and includes the following:

Required specifications of the deliverable

1) The final map must fulfill the following requirements:

2) The client has also requested a copy of all point locations of breweries in GeoJSON format. The GeoJSON must fulfill the following requirement:

3) The client has requested a web page that shows the static map(s) with link to a higher resolution version. This web page map must meet the following requirements:

4) Extra Challenge: Select one of the top-ten highest density hexagons and make a hexbin map (in hexagons with 2 km length for long diagonals) or heat map of breweries of the area. Include brewery points, local roads, and add appropriate title and legend. Roads can be downloaded from the US Census Bureau's TIGER/Line Shapefiles website. Inset this map on the larger map from Requirement #1. Make sure you use the EPSG:102008 and rotate the inset so north is up. Don't forget the scale bar.

5) Super Extra Challenge: Send at least three barrels of the 2018 Thunderstruck IPA from Stone Brewing to PO Box 666, Lexington, KY 40666 via overnight USPS Food and Spirits special parcel.

Suggestions and Tips

The final map should look like this, but you are welcome to add your sudsy glow:

Example output from lab 05
Figure 1: Example map layout

1) Before you start your analysis, set up your map canvas to show the extent of the area of interest. Make a spatial bookmark to ensure that you can return to this exact position and scale:

Example output from lab 05
Figure 2: Extent of map and the location of breweries

3) Classify and symbolize your count field and visually inspect your output. Compare the number of points within a few hexagons and see if they're classified appropriately:

Example output from lab 05
Figure 4: Example of classed hexagonal grid

4) Please note that this brewery list is increasing, so the legend values and point locations shown in the above maps will not match your values.