Twitter Reaction to the Charlie Hedbo Attack

Tweets containing

More information available at the FloatingSheep website. This map represents 73,000 geocoded tweets sent from January 7 to noon (EST) on January 8th that either contained #charliehebdo or #jesuischarlie (English translation: 'I am Charlie').

The map of country level data below normalizes the number of tweets with these hashtags by the standard level of twitter activity in each country using a random selection of tweets (for the same time period). Countries that did not meet a minimum threshold of activity (15 tweets) were excluded and are shaded in grey

Countries shaded from orange to red have a higher level of tweets with #charliehebdo or #jesuischarlie relative to the normal amount of tweeting taking place. Countries shaded in darker red (e.g., France, Belgium and French Guyana) have the highest relative number of tweets. Countries shaded in blue a lower level of tweets with #charliehebdo or #jesuischarlie relative to the normal amount of tweeting taking place[3]. The darker the shade of blue the lower relative amount of tweets.